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Keep Your Kitty Healthy by Avoiding These 8 Foods

Keep Your Kitty Healthy by Avoiding These 8 Foods

Cats are curious creatures, often diving into things they shouldn’t. One of the key areas where this curiosity can lead them astray is food.

1. Chocolate

© Pexels By Lisa Fotios

Chocolate is a well-known toxic food for cats. It contains theobromine and caffeine, stimulants that can be harmful to felines.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning may include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, and even seizures.

If you suspect your cat has consumed chocolate, it’s essential to contact a vet. Always store chocolate securely away from your curious kitty.

2. Onions

© Pexels By Markus Spiske

Onions, in any form, are dangerous to cats. They contain compounds that damage red blood cells, leading to anemia.

Eating onions can cause weakness, lethargy, and reduced appetite.

Even onion powder, often found in baby food, can be harmful. Keep onions out of reach and check ingredient lists to ensure your pet’s safety.

3. Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and Raisins
AI-Generated Image

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats, though the exact reason is unknown.

Symptoms might include vomiting, lethargy, and abdominal pain.

If your cat ingests these fruits, immediate veterinary attention is necessary.

It’s best to avoid leaving grapes or raisins in places where your cat can access them.

4. Garlic

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Garlic, much like onions, is harmful to cats. It can lead to gastrointestinal upset and damage to red blood cells.

Cats are more sensitive to garlic than dogs, making the risks higher.

Signs of garlic poisoning include vomiting, drooling, and abdominal discomfort.

Always keep garlic and related foods well away from your cat’s diet.

5. Alcohol

© Pexels By George Becker

Even small amounts of alcohol can be dangerous for cats.

Ingestion can lead to ethanol poisoning, causing symptoms like vomiting, disorientation, and in severe cases, coma.

Alcoholic beverages and foods containing alcohol should always be kept out of a cat’s reach.

6. Caffeine

© Pexels By Jason Villanueva

Caffeine is another stimulant that’s hazardous to cats, found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks.

Ingestion can result in restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and tremors.

Always ensure caffeinated products are kept out of your cat’s vicinity.

Educate family and friends about these risks to prevent accidental exposure.

7. Raw Eggs

Raw Eggs
© Pexels By Klaus Nielsen

Raw eggs pose two main dangers to cats: bacterial infection, such as salmonella, and a protein called avidin, which can hinder nutrient absorption.

Symptoms of consumption include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

To keep your cat safe, ensure eggs are cooked before allowing them even a taste. Educate others in the household about this.

8. Dairy Products

Dairy Products
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Many people associate cats with a love for milk, but dairy products can actually be harmful to them.

Most adult cats are lactose intolerant, which means they lack the necessary enzyme to properly digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products.

Consumption of dairy can lead to stomach upset, including diarrhea and vomiting.

It’s best to keep milk and cheese away from your cat and offer them water or cat-safe milk substitutes instead.